Description by @ekhornung
Lori Most is the founder and CEO of BackpackEMR.
Based in Bloomington, Minnesota, BackpackEMR is a medical EMR software designed for mobile clinics in rural, low-income markets. BackpackEMR is the sustainable, portable, non-internet dependent solution for electronic data recording in internationally underserved areas.
Lori Most has been in technology, coding, and design before coding was cool, having worked for prominent companies such as Target and United Health Group. Her pivotal decision to found a startup and create an EMR software came after a volunteering trip to South America.
Episode details
Interview begins: 7:50 Debrief begins: 51:01 Lori Most is the founder and CEO of BackpackEMR. Based in Bloomington, Minnesota, BackpackEMR is a medical EMR software designed for mobile clinics in rural, low-income markets. BackpackEMR is the sustainable, portable, non-internet dependent solution for electronic data recording in internationally underserved areas. Lori Most has been in technology, coding, and design before coding was cool, having worked for prominent companies such as Target and United Health Group. Her pivotal decision to found a startup and create an EMR software came after a volunteering trip to South America. We discuss: - Ad: Finding experienced employees for your new business with Integrity Power Search (5:27) - Ad: Apply to the Render Capital Competition before May 15 for a chance to earn $100,000 for your startup (6:44) - Lori's coding and tech in and after college (8:01) - Volunteering on medical trips in Peru and decision to make an EMR software (12:11) - Backpack's technical and offline hurdles (20:06) - Current customers, pricing, and hardware (22:29) - Transition from paper/past EMR systems to Backpack (30:00) - Combining forces with Timmy Global Health (33:01) - Balancing public benefit and for-profit motives (34:11) - Sales strategies for different markets: assessing value and price (36:03) - Team and future needs (46:38) - Ad: Connecting investors online through the Omni Valley network (49:36) Learn more about BackpackEMR: https://www.backpackemr.com/ Follow upside on Twitter: https://twitter.com/upsidefm – This episode is sponsored by Integrity Power Search, the #1 full stack high growth startup recruiting firm between the coasts. They partner with venture capitalists, private equity groups and CEOs to build amazing teams for the world’s most disrupting companies. Learn more about or get in touch with Integrity Power Search: https://upside.fm/integrity – This episode is also sponsored by Render Capital. The Render Competition is investing $100,000 into 8 startups and they want your startup to be one them! Early stage startups with a scalable model are encouraged to apply before May 15th. Startups from any location can apply. Apply for the Render Competition: https://render.capital/competition/ – This episode is also sponsored by OmniValley. OmniValley is a platform specifically and exclusively designed for investors. It provides transparency and access into entrepreneurial ecosystems – regardless of geography and market size. OmniValley wants to help you make meaningful connections faster. Today OmniValley's platform connects over 600 investors spanning over 200 global ecosystems. Claim your profile: https://omnivalley.co Advertise with an upside classified: https://upside.fm/classifieds
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