Description by @brandonhull

There are approximately 23.8 million golfers in the U.S. alone. Makes sense that someone can make great money with a hobby site focused on breaking a score of 80 in golf — in other words, targeting amateurs just wanting to be better amateurs. Great lessons in this episode.

Episode details

Should you try turning a hobby you love into a money-making website? Sean Ogle, founder of and, joins the show to talk about turning a hobby into an online business. Both Sean and Matt run websites based on hobbies they love: Sean runs a golf site and Matt runs a homebrewing website, So how do they approach monetizing their hobbies? What does it take to create a paid community around something you love? And how do you make sure you keep the passion alive with your hobby when it's a business? If you've ever considered turning a hobby into an online business, this episode is for you. Enjoy!
P.S. You can find more about Sean at and

P.P.S. If you want to see a behind-the-scenes look at how Matt monetizes own hobby-based site, check out his course SEO for Bloggers:

Published on Aug 26, 2019 in Business
US English


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