
Quick Chat with Ben Orenstein of Tuple

Episode #113

Ben Orenstein (@r00k) is the founder of Tuple, a remote pair programming app for the Mac that fills the void left by ScreenHero's disappearance. Ben joined the show for a second time to catch us up on Tuple's progress as a profitable pre-launch business. We talked about the benefits of creating a public roadmap that you can share with customers, the importance of learning by selling, Ben's gameplan for Tuple's public launch, and why it's important to focus on growth long before launch day.

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    It's weird when your two favorite podcast hosts are talking to one other. I learn so much from all these guys.

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    Hey @csallen - May want to update that fallback URL for the web player media on backtracks.fm. :) You get a sufficiently creepy default.

    Otherwise, totally enjoyed the episode! Ben is doing great things at Tuple.

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      I think Backtracks is down, possibly due to an AWS outage that's been going on all morning. EDIT: It's back up. 👍