Description by @IDI0TSYNCRATIC

Justyn and Alex each bring a different topic, weekly, called an 'Interest'. An Interest can range from rants, raves and literally nothing that anyone but them would care about -- and everything else in between.

We had the pleasure of being joined by Amanda Camacho, Brandon Karlis and Raul Alvarez.


The news bits we covered today:

Chemicals turning fish ‘gay’ new threat to water safety in Malaysia.

Woman thought she had kidney stones, gave birth to triplets.

What are we talking about today?

Raul- Dealershits

Amanda- Ragnar

Justyn- Mindhunter Season 2

Alex- Dying in the Sun

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Episode details

Alex dies in the sun, Raul accidentally wins $20, Bran ACTUALLY SHOWS UP, Amanda is Forest Gump and Justyn is now a Mindhunter.

Published on Aug 20, 2019 in Comedy
US English


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