Docu[mental] Radio: A Podcast on Curiosity

Docu[mental] Radio: A Podcast on Curiosity

By Docu[mental] Radio

A Channel to Cultivate Your Curiosity.
Currently playing episode

Chat with a Renaissance Man | Ed Latimore, Former Heavyweight boxer, B.A. Physics, Best-Selling Author, Speaker

Docu[mental] Radio: A Podcast on CuriosityAug 25, 2019
The Pillars of Stress Management | John Constas

The Pillars of Stress Management | John Constas

How can we manage stress in our hectic, modern world?

Find out in this interview of Docu[mental] Radio with John Constas.

Here, you will learn about the four pillars of stress management.

Listen to this episode, share it with a friend!


John Constas

TWITTER: @JohnConstas


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @Documental__

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Mar 23, 202116:11
What You Need to Know About Water & Hydration | ResilientDad, Optimal Health by Nature

What You Need to Know About Water & Hydration | ResilientDad, Optimal Health by Nature

Are you looking to improve your overall health?   

In this episode of Docu[mental] Radio, Resilient Dad shares with us the importance of high-quality water and proper hydration.

You will learn:

• The nature of water itself

• Where to find high-quality

• How to stay properly hydrated

Have a listen, and share the episode with a friend!



TWITTER: @ResilientDad


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @Documental__

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Mar 18, 202128:58
Fasting Made Simple | Matthew Cress, Dietitian Nutritionist

Fasting Made Simple | Matthew Cress, Dietitian Nutritionist

Intermittent fasting, OMAD, 24-Hour fast...

How do you know which meal plan is right for you?

Find out in this episode with Matthew Cress, a Dietitian Nutritionist.

If you enjoyed this episode, share it with a friend!


Matthew Cress

TWITTER: @MattCressKeto



Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @Documental__

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Mar 10, 202121:15
The Side Hustle Blueprint | Martin Dasko, Studenomics

The Side Hustle Blueprint | Martin Dasko, Studenomics

Entrepreneurship may not be for everyone.

...but making extra cash on the side?

Anyone could do that.

Brainstorm some ideas in my interview with Martin Dasko from Studenomics.

Have a listen!


Martin Dasko:

TWITTER: @studenomics

INSTAGRAM: @studenomics




INSTAGRAM: @documental__

TWITTER: @documental_

Nov 09, 202026:25
Supplement Your Health: From Herbalism and Beyond | CK Eternity

Supplement Your Health: From Herbalism and Beyond | CK Eternity

Exposed to poor soil quality and artificial light (to name a few)...  

...we need to supplement our health more than ever.

Luckily, CK Eternity came on Docu[mental] Radio to discuss a whole range of solutions for you.

Have a listen, and share this episode with whom it may interest!


CK Eternity:

TWITTER: @CK_Eternity_




INSTAGRAM: @documental__

TWITTER: @documental_

Oct 08, 202023:03
Posture & Performance | Alex Bernier, Personal Trainer & Kinesiologist

Posture & Performance | Alex Bernier, Personal Trainer & Kinesiologist

How is your posture as you read this text?

We spend a lot of time hunched over, while seated at a desk and/or scrolling our phones.

The result?

Challenges with posture, balance, flexibility, and overall movement.

Alex Bernier, a personal trainer and kinesiologist, offers us a practical tip to adjust these behaviors.

Check it out. Tell a friend.


Alex Bernier:

TWITTER: @mythoughtfood




INSTAGRAM: @documental__

TWITTER: @documental_

Jul 29, 202016:21
FOMO...And What to Do About It | Patrick McGinnis, Author of "Fear of Missing Out: Practical Decision-Making in a World of Overwhelming Choice."

FOMO...And What to Do About It | Patrick McGinnis, Author of "Fear of Missing Out: Practical Decision-Making in a World of Overwhelming Choice."

Do you struggle with "FOMO"? If so, you are not alone.

The fear of missing out is everywhere -- a sign of the times.

We have too many choices these days and little idea of how to manage them all.

So, here's the good news...

Patrick McGinnis, the guy who coined "FOMO" and the host of the FOMO Sapiens Podcast, comes on Docu[mental] Radio to talk about solutions.

Listen to this episode, and share it with friends!


Patrick McGinnis:

TWITTER: @pjmcginnis

INSTAGRAM: @patrickjmcginnis




INSTAGRAM: @documental__

TWITTER: @documental_

May 17, 202014:25
A Timeless Guide to Self-Employment | Shadeed Eleazar, Business Architect

A Timeless Guide to Self-Employment | Shadeed Eleazar, Business Architect

Do you have your own business? 

Would you like to start one?  

This podcast is an excellent place to start.

In this interview, Shadeed Eleazar, an entrepreneur with years of experience, offers practical guidance on your journey in self-employment.

Share this episode!


Shadeed Eleazer:

Baltimore's #1 Social Selling Architect. Is your Influence generating 7 figure business Revenue? If not, let's talk.

For more advice like this, sign up for Shadeed's emails:



INSTAGRAM: @documental__

TWITTER: @documental_

May 12, 202022:41
"Live Fashionably" | Ting Lin, Fashion Consultant

"Live Fashionably" | Ting Lin, Fashion Consultant

People notice your appearance within milliseconds.   

What does your style say about you?   

How do you know what to wear?

In this episode of Docu[mental] Radio, I interview Ting Lin, a fashion consultant who has advice on how to dress your best.

Have a listen and share this podcast!


Ting Lin

INSTAGRAM: @tinglinfashion



Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

May 04, 202016:51
The Mediterranean Diet | Dr. Tom O'Bryan

The Mediterranean Diet | Dr. Tom O'Bryan

You've heard about the Mediterranean Diet, but what is it exactly?

Why is it so popular?

Dr. Tom O'Bryan, the founder of, shares with us the background, related studies, anecdotes, and tips on this protocol.

Have a listen -- you will learn a lot!


Dr. Tom O'Bryan


TWITTER: @theDr_com



Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Feb 25, 202022:58
Master Your Voice | Jimmy Cannon, Voice & Presentation Coach

Master Your Voice | Jimmy Cannon, Voice & Presentation Coach

How well do you control your voice?

Would you like to be more influential when you speak?

Would you like to dominate your next presentation?

This episode is a good place to start.

Jimmy Cannon, a voice and presentation coach, gives you the insights you need to control and master your voice.

Share this episode!


Jimmy Cannon

LINKEDIN: Jimmy Cannon



Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Feb 20, 202020:45
The Path to Public Speaking | Valentina Kordi, Mindset & High-Performance Coach for Entrepreneurs, Executives and Teams

The Path to Public Speaking | Valentina Kordi, Mindset & High-Performance Coach for Entrepreneurs, Executives and Teams

Would you like to become a public speaker?

Maybe you are already a great orator, and you want to get to the next level.

This episode will show you the path.

Valentina Kordi shares insights that you need to nail your next speech.

Have a listen!

Share this episode with anyone it may help.


Valentina Kordi

LINKEDIN: Valentina Kordi

TWITTER: @ValentinaCoach


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Feb 14, 202013:24
Optimize Your Sales Funnel | Chase "Chief" Curtis

Optimize Your Sales Funnel | Chase "Chief" Curtis

Interested in online business?

This episode is for you.

Chase "Chief" Curtis gives you critical insights on how to start your business online -- the right way.

You will learn how to optimize your sales funnel with a hot market, traffic, a website (and more.) 

Give it a listen!

Share this episode with a friend!


Chase "Chief" Curtis

TWITTER: @realchasecurtis



Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Feb 06, 202012:45
A Future of Blockchain | Katelyn Perna, Blockchain Architect

A Future of Blockchain | Katelyn Perna, Blockchain Architect

Blockchain is here -- why should we care?

In this interview, Katelyn Perna shares with us the manifold ways this emerging technology will shape our world.

From the accounting to supply chains to education -- the applications are countless.

Learn about Blockchain here to prepare for the future.

Share this episode with a friend!


Katelyn Perna

TWITTER: @jockinjp


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Feb 02, 202015:11
Boost Your Confidence | Johnny Dzubak, Co-founder of "The Art of Charm"

Boost Your Confidence | Johnny Dzubak, Co-founder of "The Art of Charm"

Looking to boost your confidence?

Johnny Dzubak, from the Art of Charm, shares with us some practical and theoretical views on the topic in this episode.

Have a listen, and share it with a friend!


Johnny Dzubak / The Art of Charm

TWITTER: @TheArtOfCharm

INSTAGRAM: theartofcharm



Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jan 22, 202016:24
The Art of Persuasive Writing | Nabeel Azeez

The Art of Persuasive Writing | Nabeel Azeez

What is copywriting?


On this podcast, Nabeel Azeez and I discuss the art of persuasive writing.  

Share this episode!


Nabeel Azeez

TWITTER: @NabeelAzeezDXB


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Dec 07, 201911:19
Optimized Fitness | Farshad Sarrafi, Online Fitness Coach

Optimized Fitness | Farshad Sarrafi, Online Fitness Coach

In this episode of Docu[mental], Farshad Sarrafi, an online fitness coach, shares the importance of technique during exercise.

Farshad breaks down the pros and cons of today's most popular fitness platforms and their respective exercises.

Bottom line: In fitness, form is everything -- listen to this episode to find out why.


Farshad Sarrafi

TWITTER: @FarshadSarrafi

INSTAGRAM: @FarshadSarrafi


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Nov 24, 201913:23
Travel Hacks | Jake Nomada, Nomadic Hustler
Nov 02, 201917:57
Fitness Simplified | Samy Dindane, Founder of Hypefury & Strength Training Coach

Fitness Simplified | Samy Dindane, Founder of Hypefury & Strength Training Coach

All the marketing fads on fitness can confuse us...

Where do we start?

What's the best form of exercise?

Samy Dindane shares with us the essential exercises (and more) that will take your health to the next level.

Check it out!


Samy Dindane / HypeFury

TWITTER: @SamyDindane & @hypefury

INSTAGRAM: @samydindane


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Oct 30, 201919:30
Discover Your Archetype | Beth Martens, Business, Purpose, & Archetype Coach

Discover Your Archetype | Beth Martens, Business, Purpose, & Archetype Coach

What is an archetype? How can it help you in your business and personal life?

Beth Martens -- a business, purpose, and archetype coach -- shares with us the benefits of discovering your archetype in this interview.

Share this episode with someone who needs to hear it!

Oct 27, 201916:12
The Value of Ancient History | Anya Leonard, Co-Founder and Director of Classical Wisdom

The Value of Ancient History | Anya Leonard, Co-Founder and Director of Classical Wisdom

Why is ancient history useful? 

Find out from one of the experts!


Anya Leonard / Classical Wisdom Weekly

FACEBOOK: @ClassicalWisdomWeekly 

TWITTER: @ClassicalWisdom 

INSTAGRAM: @classicalwisdomweekly


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Oct 18, 201915:09
Content Marketing Distilled | Oceane Bonnet, Copywriter & Content Creator

Content Marketing Distilled | Oceane Bonnet, Copywriter & Content Creator

If you want your business to thrive, focus on helping people as much as possible.

Give, rather than take.

Content marketing is a great first step.

In this podcast, Oceane Bonnet tells you why.

Have a listen, and tell a friend!


Oceane Bonnet

TWITTER: @oceanebonnetcs


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Oct 08, 201910:58
Pt. 2: Digital Marketing & Sales Funnels | Brian Bonela

Pt. 2: Digital Marketing & Sales Funnels | Brian Bonela

On this second part of my interview with Brian Bonela, you will learn:

+ Funnel hacking

+ Digital marketing strategies

+ Future trends for online sales

This is the perfect episode for anyone who wants to start an online business.

Check it out!

Oct 01, 201918:05
A Guide to Creative Writing | Visakan Veerasamy, Creative Writer

A Guide to Creative Writing | Visakan Veerasamy, Creative Writer

So, you want to be a better writer?

Visakan Veerasamy (@visakanv) has some tips for you.

In this episode, Visakan and I discuss practical ways to spark your imagination on the topic of creative writing.

Have a listen, and share with a friend!


Visakan Veerasamy

TWITTER: @visakanv


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Sep 26, 201921:33
The Power of Adaptation | Luca Dellanna, Author & Independent Researcher on Emergent Behavior

The Power of Adaptation | Luca Dellanna, Author & Independent Researcher on Emergent Behavior

What is the power of adaptation?

Luca Dellanna, an author and independent researcher on emergent behavior, shares with us his insights on this fascinating topic.

Information like this can lead to a profound change in one's life so listen once and then listen again.

I sure learned a lot.

Share this episode with a friend!


Luca Dellanna

TWITTER: @DellAnnaLuca


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Sep 16, 201913:43
Cultivate Self-Awareness | Red Horse, "The Gentleman Mystic"

Cultivate Self-Awareness | Red Horse, "The Gentleman Mystic"

"How do we cultivate greater self-awareness?"

Red Horse, otherwise known as "The Gentleman Mystic" has some answers.

Check out this episode for plenty of wisdom on life.

I learned a lot, and you will as well.

Share this episode with a friend!


Red Horse, "The Gentleman Mystic"

TWITTER: @BillyRedHorse


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Sep 11, 201916:22
Pt.1: Mental Frameworks & Business Systems | Brian Bonela

Pt.1: Mental Frameworks & Business Systems | Brian Bonela

Did you know that certain mental frameworks and business systems can help you grow your business?

It's easier than you think, and Brian Bonela is here to explain the details.

In this episode, you will learn the mental frameworks that lead to better decisions making...

...and systems you can implement that lead to business growth.

Check it out!


Brian Bonela 



Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Sep 03, 201912:43
Chat with a Renaissance Man | Ed Latimore, Former Heavyweight boxer, B.A. Physics, Best-Selling Author, Speaker

Chat with a Renaissance Man | Ed Latimore, Former Heavyweight boxer, B.A. Physics, Best-Selling Author, Speaker

Ed Latimore, a true renaissance man, has some advice on how to find your path.   

In our podcast interview, we spoke about everything from books to personal brands to physics.   

Share this episode with a friend! 


Ed Latimore 

TWITTER: @EdLatimore 

INSTAGRAM: @EdLatimore 


Alejandro @ Docu[mental] 

TWITTER: @documental_ 

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Aug 25, 201927:58
Optimize Your Health | Cynthia Thurlow, NP

Optimize Your Health | Cynthia Thurlow, NP

How do we perform our best daily?

With the wealth of information and resources in the world of health and wellness, we need an expert to guide us in the right direction.

That's where Cynthia Thurlow comes in.

Our episode is jam-packed with valuable information on everything from sleep to diet to light exposure and more.

Share this episode with a friend!



Cynthia Thurlow

TWITTER: @_CynthiaThurlow

INSTAGRAM: @Cynthia_thurlow_


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Aug 21, 201918:25
Become a Leader | Brian T Flippin, Certified Coach - Author - Speaker - Trainer

Become a Leader | Brian T Flippin, Certified Coach - Author - Speaker - Trainer

 What does it take to become a good leader?  

On this episode of Docu[mental], Brian T Flippin shares some key insights on the topic of leadership. 

You'll learn:

+ The qualities required for leadership

+ What is missing in leadership today

and more...

Share this episode with a friend!


Brian T Flippin

TWITTER: @Flippin_Life



Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Aug 19, 201912:08
Branding 101 | Jon Persson, Brand Strategist & Founder of Cult Method

Branding 101 | Jon Persson, Brand Strategist & Founder of Cult Method

Interested to start a personal brand? 

Does your company need more information on the power of branding?

Jon Persson, a brand strategist who runs the brand studio, "Cult Method,' has some answers.

You'll learn:

+ The different types of branding 

+ How to build your brand

+ How to create raving fans

...and so much more.

Share this episode with a friend!



Jon Persson

TWITTER: @jonlpersson



Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Aug 16, 201920:60
Yoga & You | David Rachford, aka "Navy Dave", Yoga Instructor and Founder of Combat Mat

Yoga & You | David Rachford, aka "Navy Dave", Yoga Instructor and Founder of Combat Mat

Control breathing... 

Maintain stability... 

Enhance mobility...  

Yoga has many benefits, and in our interview, David Rachford lays them out in detail. 

If you get any value out of this episode, please share with a friend!



David Rachford

TWITTER: @DavidRachford

INSTAGRAM: @DavidRachford



Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Aug 10, 201923:16
The Impact of Hormones | Alli Covington

The Impact of Hormones | Alli Covington

Hormones are "the unseen master of your life....if you're not in control of them, they're in control of you." 

As you can see, hormones play a critical role in your health; Alli Covington came on the show to discuss the importance of understanding and managing them.

Have a listen, and share with a friend!



Alli Covington

TWITTER: @allicovington



Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jul 26, 201919:39
Build a Brand & Tell a Story | Andy Neary, Business Coach and Co-Founder of Major League Mindset

Build a Brand & Tell a Story | Andy Neary, Business Coach and Co-Founder of Major League Mindset

Q: How do we tell better stories?

A: Andy Neary (@ANearyinCO) and I jumped on the Docu[mental] podcast to discuss the art of storytelling, brand building, and more.

You will learn:

+ How to build a name for yourself

+ How to make an impression in personal and professional settings

+ How to tell stories that captivate the audience

Have a listen!



Andy Neary


INSTAGRAM: @AndyNeary333


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jul 24, 201913:21
Keto & Carnivore | Chris Donohue, The Carnivore Keto Coach

Keto & Carnivore | Chris Donohue, The Carnivore Keto Coach

You may have heard all the talk about the keto diet.

But what about the carnivore diet? 

Chris Donohue, the Carnivore Keto Coach, breaks down the science and method for both diets in this episode.

You will learn what each diet entails and their benefits.



Chris Donohue

TWITTER: @Carnivoreketo

INSTAGRAM: @Carnivoreketocoach


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jul 23, 201919:11
Calm, Intelligence, & Internal Mastery | Jack Peach

Calm, Intelligence, & Internal Mastery | Jack Peach

How do we become the eye of the storm? How do we manage the chaos around us?

Jack Peach has some answers.

On this episode, you will learn how to find harmony amidst the chaos, understand what intelligence truly looks like, and the path to internal mastery.

Check this episode out, and share with a friend!


Jack Peach

TWITTER: @ThinkInPeach



Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jul 12, 201920:42
Lessons in Survival for the 21st Century | The Huntsman

Lessons in Survival for the 21st Century | The Huntsman

If you were stuck in the middle of the wilderness, or a deserted island, what would you do? How would you survive?

It turns out that many of the strategy and tactics needed for survival help one thrive in the modern world.

We must build the mental fortitude to tackle challenges...

We must develop critical skill sets to set us apart...

This is the ultimate episode on personal development: you will learn how to become the best version of yourself.



The Hunstman

TWITTER: @Flyover_Country


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jul 10, 201921:04
Building an Agency | Anthony Tumbiolo

Building an Agency | Anthony Tumbiolo

 Are you interested to start a service-based business? Already have one?  

You might want to hear this... 

Anthony Tumbiolo shares with us some practical tips on how to start and build your own agency.

If you get any value, please give this podcast  ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️ !



Anthony Tumbiolo

TWITTER: @AnthonyTumbiolo


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jul 07, 201912:44
A Guide to E-Commerce | Jhori, E-Commerce

A Guide to E-Commerce | Jhori, E-Commerce

Curious about e-commerce but don't know know where to start?

On this episode, Jhori shares with us some quick and easy tips to begin selling online.

The interview gives practical advice to make sales but also mistakes to avoid.

Overall, it's a great episode for those of you who want to start your next entrepreneurial venture with e-commerce.

Share with a friend!





TWITTER: @DelvigeDesigns


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jul 05, 201910:09
A Philosophical State of Mind | Garrett Dailey, AION Media
Jul 03, 201932:26
Upgrade Your Nutrition | Ingri Pauline, Weightlifting & Nutrition Coach CSCS

Upgrade Your Nutrition | Ingri Pauline, Weightlifting & Nutrition Coach CSCS

Would you like some quick cooking tips to upgrade your nutrition?

Ingri Pauline shares with us some key ingredients to add to your next meal.

Check this episode out!

If you get any value, would you be so kind to rate this podcast  ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️ ?

Much appreciated :)



Ingri Pauline

TWITTER: @Ingripauline

INSTAGRAM: @Ingripauline


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jul 01, 201919:03
"The Book of Uncomfortable Truths" | Bill Masur, Author & Founder of Men of Character
Jun 28, 201921:51
Stoicism & Social Dynamics | Paul Domenick, Social Dynamics/Mindset/Philosophy/Writing

Stoicism & Social Dynamics | Paul Domenick, Social Dynamics/Mindset/Philosophy/Writing

Have you heard of Stoicism? 

It's an ancient philosophy that has gained popularity in the past decade or so. 

Paul Domenick, an intellectual in the fields of social dynamics, mindset, philosophy, and writing , starts our interview with an explanation of this form of wisdom.

Later in the episode, Paul dives into the importance of social dynamics, and really the emphasis to be placed on soft skills, in general.

Have a listen, and give this podcast ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️  ⭐️ 



Paul Domenick

TWITTER: @PaulMDomenick 

INSTAGRAM: @paulmdomenick


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jun 26, 201919:54
Upgrade Your Style | Martin from Winning Style, Mens' Style Coach

Upgrade Your Style | Martin from Winning Style, Mens' Style Coach

Men: Are you looking to take your style to the next level?

Martin has some advice.

On this interview, we talk about a whole range of topics when it comes to mens' fashion. 

It's a practical and deep conversation; you will learn a lot about the theory and practice of wearing the right clothes.

Check it out!


Martin from Winning Style

TWITTER: @winning_style



Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jun 24, 201916:00
Social Media, Side Hustles, & Mindset | Joe Hart, "The Coach"

Social Media, Side Hustles, & Mindset | Joe Hart, "The Coach"

This episode is jam-packed with valuable information.

Are you:

+ Looking to build a social media following? 

+ Curious about side hustles?

+ Struggling to find motivation?

This episode is your answer.

Joe Hart, "The Coach," shares his tips on all three. 

Check out this episode to start building your dream lifestyle.



Joe Hart

TWITTER: @CoachJoeHart

INSTAGRAM: @the_coach_joe


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jun 20, 201928:14
Principles of Fitness | Rob W. James, Personal Trainer

Principles of Fitness | Rob W. James, Personal Trainer

Our modern world is full of distractions.

This diet is good, that exercise is better.

Rob wants to clear the fog: ignore the fads; focus on what has always worked.

In other words, Rob is an advocate of what is truly necessary for fitness and nutrition.

This episode is full of practical information to maximize your physique in and out of the gym.




Rob W. James


INSTAGRAM: @nothingbarredfitness


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jun 19, 201917:01
Bodyweight Exercises (Calisthenics) | Jerry Teixeira, Bodyweight Strength Training Expert

Bodyweight Exercises (Calisthenics) | Jerry Teixeira, Bodyweight Strength Training Expert

Tired of the gym? Use your body. 

On this episode, Jerry Teixeira, a bodyweight strength training expert, shares with us the benefits of calisthenics to achieve the body you've always wanted. 

It's a long, value-packed interview so sit back and enjoy.



Jerry Teixeira

TWITTER: @jerryteixeira

INSTAGRAM: @jt.bodyweightstrength


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jun 17, 201940:25
A Creative View on Health | Steph David, An Intellectual in Fitness & Nutrition

A Creative View on Health | Steph David, An Intellectual in Fitness & Nutrition

In this episode, we take on a more intellectual view of the health world. 

Steph David, a fitness and nutrition expert, shares with us some creative and thoughtful approaches to maximize our health. 

The interview is both theoretical and practical; you will learn many ways to make the most of your time and live with optimal energy. 

I learned a lot, and you will, too.

Check it out.



Steph David

TWITTER: @stephdavid8

INSTAGRAM: @steph.david


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jun 13, 201915:54
How to Create a Rich Social Life | Silicon Valley Laz, Author & Social Dynamics Expert

How to Create a Rich Social Life | Silicon Valley Laz, Author & Social Dynamics Expert

Many of us go through our lives meeting whomever crosses our path. 

That's fine. 

But what if you could be more intentional and deliberate with your time? 

If you adopt a more strategic approach, you could expand your social circle and create new opportunities.

In this episode, you'll learn how to do it.

Listen to this fun chat with Silicon Valley Laz.


Silicon Valley Laz

TWITTER: @snapsocialguru


Alejandro @ Docu[mental]

TWITTER: @documental_  

INSTAGRAM: @documental__

Jun 12, 201917:22
The World of Web Design | Youssef Sarhan, Web Designer and Online Business Mentor

The World of Web Design | Youssef Sarhan, Web Designer and Online Business Mentor

Curious about a career in web design? 

Look no further. 

Youssef Sarhan is an expert in the field, and more: He's an online business mentor.

Check out this episode.

Jun 11, 201926:41