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Struggling with prioritization? Want to know how the experts pick projects and scope work? Find out in this episode of Build, where Maggie talks to Ryan Singer, the Head of Strategy at Basecamp. Ryan has been shaping and building at Basecamp for over 16 years, and recently wrote a book on how they work called Shape Up. Maggie and Ryan dig into what it means to shape work, prioritization theater, how product decisions are really bets, and what happens when your product scope gets out of control.

Published on Sep 13, 2019 in Technology
US English

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Loved this quote:

"A lot of Product Managers don't really feel like their Product Managers. They feel like PROJECT Managers, because they just have all this work coming down that they're supposed to somehow squeeze in. They have to play calendar Tetris just to squeeze everything together so that they can finish everything."

4 years ago • Reply


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