Featured 5 years ago
Description by @ShredRexx
Season 2 of Dead Waves starts next week! Here's one of my favorite episodes from season 1.
Episode details
Sure, you're really into the hot new Harry Potter mobile phone game, but are you IN the hot new Harry Potter mobile phone game? Hilaria Moonshine is, and she needs help getting out. Sounds like a job for Jack, Lilith, and Grem. Grem loses signal. Lilith needs more meds. Jack has no idea what a Harry Potter is. Wanna talk to us through the internet? You can always email us at deadwavesradio@gmail.com. We're like a paid cybersex service, but you don't have to pay us. And we don't offer cybersex. Yet.
Published on Jul 31, 2019
in Improv
US English
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