Episode details

Hello Lamer Gamers! This is simplyTravis and Rowdy5000 for the Lamer Gamers Podcast! And recently we’ve been tasked with becoming the very best. Like no one was before. The catch these little monsters is our real test. To train them is our cause. So today we’re going to travel across the land searching far and wide to teach Pokemon that the real power….it’s inside. And after that we’re going to talk about the game’s we’ve played recently such as Luigi’s Mansion, Death Stranding, Outer Worlds, and UFC 3. Then we’re going to give you a break down the news from Microsoft’s XO19, Google Stadia taking its first baby steps then kinda just stumbling around mindless spouting off some nonsense, Pokemon Sword & Shield Pros & Cons, then we’ll end the show with Review Bombing focusing on the recent low scores put out by users that aren’t really even playing Death Stranding or Pokemon.

Published on Nov 18, 2019 in Games
US English


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