Intentional Growth™ is a podcast is a podcast for entrepreneurs and business owners wanting to view - and run - their company like a financial asset so they can have fun, create wealth, and make an impact. Truly make the entire journey of owning and running a company "worth it".


With over 10,000 downloads per month, weekly, content-rich episodes provide you with information on how to get clear on what you want from the business and why, the way companies are valued, strategies to increase that value, and the variety of ways you can transition your role or exit your ownership. From technical episodes dissecting the inner-workings of private equity and ESOPs to intense discussions with authors and thought leaders like Gino Wickman, Bo BurlinghamDan MartellJohn Warrillow, Jack Stack, and Alan Beaulieu, this podcast is full of information you need to stay competitive in today’s market.


The goal of the show? To help entrepreneurs enjoy work, create wealth and make an impact. By creating sustainable, predictable, and transferable cash flow, you will create a valuable company that gives you choices to grow, acquire, reinvest, or exit and live the life you planned for — all with intention.

Sign up for the Intentional Growth™ Weekly Newsletter

Every Thursday morning get an email with a new episode of the podcast, resources on business, economics, M&A, and More.





MerceAus, 03/10/2022
Solid storytelling & education all in one

I’m impressed & enlightened by the content of this podcast. A complete bonus to me as an entrepreneur digging into my intentional growth through mastery of finance. There’s nothing better than listening to real world examples brought to life through engaging storytelling & experiences!

TaraBendre, 06/07/2019
Invaluable Podcast for Entrepreneurs

I've been binging this podcast and learning about all the things you don't necessarily learn from reading about entrepreneurship. These are the lessons you either learn from making the mistake yourself or by listening to uncensored stories of other’s experiences. Ryan does an amazing job of bringing knowledgeable guests on the podcast and having real conversations that can teach you so much. One of the most invaluable podcasts for entrepreneurs--Highly recommend!

Rocky Game Fix, 11/25/2019
Motivating and Real

I've been listening to this podcast for a while now and it will help you change your way of thinking as it relates to your life and business. The guests are top notch and Ryan is a great host and business coach. I highly recommend it.

Jakee140, 05/14/2019

As an aggressive third-generation owner of a growing family business, this podcast has been wonderfully fulfilling. The sheer number of “real life” topics covered that are integral to operating, growing and exiting a business is very helpful. Ryan is a great orator and interviewer, knowing when to dive deeper into beneficial topics that move the needle in the real world. Have been listening from the start and it just keeps getting better!

CEO Guy, 03/25/2022
Insightful - Current - On Point Advice From Experts!

Ryan is a rare talent. I have done literally 100 podcasts over the last few years. The vast majority of podcast hosts struggle to be engaging - dynamic and bring listeners solid advice from true experts who have lived the business dream. This is one podcast worth tuning into weekly! Its entertaining, insightful and packed with wisdom. Listen to episode #293 (featuring yours truly - The CEO Advisory Guru!)

Ships12379, 06/01/2019
Very useful podcast!

I listen to many podcasts and always find Ryan’s podcast enjoyable and thoroughly educational! It’s like receiving an MBA for exit planning and capital markets. Keep up the great pod Ryan!
















Get clear on what you want from the business and why


It is crucial to determine who you are, what you want from the business and why in order to make the journey of being a business owner and entrepreneur "worth it".


Most entrepreneurs measure their success by how much revenue they are doing, how much money they have raised, how many employees they have, or how money they can pull out of the company each year.


I believe that the true measure of success is creating a valuable business that gives you freedom of time, money, relationships, and purpose. Truly to wake up and choose to do whatever you want with your time each day.

Learn how to view - and run - your company like a financial asset 


I love to dive deep into valuations, how they work, how companies are valued during different types of exits. It is important to understand how to value a company if you want to treat. your business as an asset. I am guessing you want your assets that you invest in to grow in value? That is why it's important to clarify a target equity valuation at a point in the future and your desired income along the way.

Learn about M&A, Exits Options, Economics and More.


It is crucial to understand the various ways you can exit your company so you can match up the your ideal exit option and timing with the things that are most important to you. I explore all the various types and ways to exit a business (Internal Transfers / Buyouts Acquisition Entrepreneur, ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plan), Private Equity, Strategic Buyers. and any many others.) We also do a quarterly M&A and Economic Update with ITR Economics and ButcherJoseph. This helps bring practical information about the economy and the M&A market to the privately help business owner so they can use it to inform their decisions and long-term planing. 




[in chronological order]












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