Episode Previews
Aug 28, 2019
One of the things that comes up constantly as we talk to users, is that they'd like to have a preview of the episodes that are posted on Pod Hunt, to allow them to better judge if the episode is something they might find interesting.
This is no simple task, in-fact companies exist just to solve this single problem.
After talking with podcast hosts and users (thanks to everyone who responded to our poll/surveys), and conducting our own experiment, we've arrived at a good first step to solving this problem on Pod Hunt.
This is a feature that will only be available to supporter podcasts.
After a new episode is submitted, the hunter (and soon the host of the podcast if it wasn't them), will have the ability to upload an audio or video preview of the episode.
It will be up to them exactly how they create this, if audio works better for them, or if video does.
The only restriction we have imposed is that the preview file be less than 5MB in size, and be either in MP3 or MP4 format.
If an MP3 is uploaded, we are able to embed the preview on both the listing and episode detail pages. Videos will only appear on the detail pages.
As we've experimented with creating the previews we've used the following tools to create the previews:
This is no simple task, in-fact companies exist just to solve this single problem.
After talking with podcast hosts and users (thanks to everyone who responded to our poll/surveys), and conducting our own experiment, we've arrived at a good first step to solving this problem on Pod Hunt.
This is a feature that will only be available to supporter podcasts.
After a new episode is submitted, the hunter (and soon the host of the podcast if it wasn't them), will have the ability to upload an audio or video preview of the episode.
It will be up to them exactly how they create this, if audio works better for them, or if video does.
The only restriction we have imposed is that the preview file be less than 5MB in size, and be either in MP3 or MP4 format.
If an MP3 is uploaded, we are able to embed the preview on both the listing and episode detail pages. Videos will only appear on the detail pages.
As we've experimented with creating the previews we've used the following tools to create the previews:
You are free to use whatever tools you wish.
This is the first release of this feature, and we expect it will evolve as we get more usage and feedback, so let us know what you think!
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